Perfect Couples
The Couples:
Dave & Julia
The cool, regular couple you see yourself in. They realize they
have their flaws, but they’re trying. And more often than not,
they manage to get it right.
Vance & Amy
The “too much passion” couple. They thrive on the drama, and the
highs are high, but the lows are low. Basically, a pair of
soulmates whose lives would be much simpler if they’d never met.
Rex & Leigh
The “perfect couple” with big quotation marks, they hold
themselves up as ideal partners. They’ve read all the books,
taken all the seminars and can’t wait to share what they’ve
learned with anyone within earshot.
30, middle-American good looks. Quick with a joke, definitely not
looking to dirty his hands with confrontation. A no-drama guy who
thoroughly enjoys his needier friends' quirks. Think Matt Damon.
28, smart, sexy and cool. Easily riled, but quick to forgive.
Though comfortable speaking her mind, Julia prides herself on
being low-maintenance in her relationship. Think Tina Fey.
30, intense. A guys’ guy who manages also to be very sensitive.
Vance is opinionated and feels he’s doing everyone a service by
bluntly sharing his opinions. He’s wrong. Dave’s best friend,
he’s high maintenance, but a ton of fun. Think Vince Vaughn.
29, attractive and kind, but flighty and unfocused. Amy has
trouble with life's details: lots of lost keys and stoves left on.
Though gentle, Amy taps into an inner tiger when provoked by
Vance, which happens often. Think Leslie Mann.
30, handsome, successful, but way more self-assured than is
warranted. Back in college, he was the third in Dave and Vance’s
group of two. He’s also Julia’s brother. A party guy and ladies’
man until he met wife, Leigh, Rex now approaches coupledom and
monogomy with the zeal of the converted.
24, very put-together. The youngest of the group, but easily the
most mature. Asian-American, but the biggest Burberry-wearing,
Pasadena WASP you ever met. Considers it her responsibility to
mold the other couples in the successful image of Rex and herself.