how to install Embroidery Studio e4
It is broken down into 4 sections. First is Prerequisites which is everything you need to get started. The second is Embroidery Studio e4 installation. Third is CorelDRAW X8 installation. Fourth is installation finalization. This final step is important for Embroidery Studio and CorelDRAW integration.
Prerequisites –
Embroidery Studio e4 Installation USB Drive
New Embroidery Studio e4 Dongle
Old Wilcom dongle (if updating only)
2-3 Available USB ports (One for the installation USB drive, one
for the e4 dongle, and one for your old Wilcom dongle, if updating.)
CorelDRAW X8 Serial Number
Internet Connection (required)
Embroidery Studio e4 Installation –
1.) Windows may ask for your permission to allow the Wilcom
installer to make changes to your device. Allow continuing.
2.) The installer will install the dongle driver.
3.) Click Next to Continue
4.) Accept the license agreement, then click Next.
5.) Attach your Embroidery Studio e4 dongle to a USB port, and
press OK. The installer may also ask for your old dongle to be attached to a
USB port, as well, to perform a “brain transplant.”
6.) For most users, a Complete install is recommended. Advanced users can choose Custom, and pick what is installed. Choose your option and click Next.
7.1) If you select a Complete installation, choose any additional languages you would like installed. (English is the default). Now click Next.
7.2) If you select a Custom installation, choose the options you would like installed, then click Next.
8.) Now choose the location you want to install Embroidery Studio e4. The default location is recommended. Click Next.
9.) If you have a previous version of Embroidery Studio installed you will be asked if you want to merge user-defined settings. Choose “I do not wish to merge,” and click Next.
10.) Click Install to start the installation of Embroidery Studio e4
11.) Select Yes, and Click Finish to reboot your computer, and complete the Embroidery Studio e4 installation.
12.) After reboot, you get the following message. Indicating a successful install. You’re now ready to start the CorelDRAW X8 installation.
CorelDRAW X8 Installation –
1.) Windows may ask for your permission to allow the CorelDRAW
X8 installer to make changes to your computer. Allow continuing.
2.) Accept the CorelDRAW X8 End User License Agreement (EULA).
3.) Type in your name, and your CorelDRAW X8 serial number, then click Next.
4.) Choose your installation option either Typical Installation or Custom Installation. For most users, we recommend Typical Installation. Click Typical Installation and the installer will start.
5.) Once the installation is complete either login to an existing Corel Account, or create one, then continue.
Finalize Installation –
1.) Open Embroidery Studio e4. I will ask to modify your device to allow integration with CorelDRAW X4. Allow this action to move forward.
2.) Congratulations! You have installed Embroidery Studio e4!